External exposure facility:
Facility where organisms, samples or instruments may be irradiated under controlled conditions in which dosimetric characteristics are well known and under control and traceability.
Internal exposure facility:
Facility where animals (or plants) are exposed to radiation via ingestion, inhalation or by wounds. Organisms are kept under controlled conditions.
Contaminated site:
Natural site contaminated by radionuclides (TeNORM or anthropogenic) via industrial activities or accidental releases.
An organised collection of data.
Sample Banks:
Collection of biological samples (e.g. humans, animals, or plants samples…) and inert samples with a relation to radiation topics ((e.g. nuclear workers, irradiation during childhood with low doses, irradiation during a radiological accident…) and associated with databases.
Grouping of information and/or data about one particular population (e.g. person, plants…) in radiation research area (e.g. nuclear workers, irradiation during childhood with low doses, irradiation during a radiological accident…). Can be linked to a Sample bank.
Analytical platform:
Depending on the end points, dedicated analytical platform should be selected to investigate irradiated- or potentially irradiated- samples in order to define the received dose (e.g. Dicentric assay, PCC assay, EPR assay…: dosimetric platforms) or to study biological alteration in the sample due to the irradiation (e.g. expression of proteins or genes, post-translational modification of proteins, activation/inactivation of regulatory and other biological pathways, DNA damage and repair ‘omics platforms).
Models & Tools:
Predictive or analytical software or process, as well as biological model (such as animal or plant model).